Hosting a large number of people in your small space
The holiday season means getting together with a loved one or family as you celebrate the season. It can be a challenge when it is your year or turn to host the festivities given your smaller living arrangements, but it is not impossible. Knowing how to utilize the space you have available, at your Los Angeles RV Park, will enable you to host a holiday party or family gathering with ease.
The first thing to do when starting to plan an event is check the weather for that day. Being able to use your yard and be outside is a great way to ensure your home is not cramped. If the weather is pleasant you can have outdoor seating and yard games for your guests to use. Being able to use your outdoor space means you can have more people over, and enjoy your event without worrying about space.
If the weather is going to be poor and unpleasant on the day of your event, you have to be more creative and use the indoor space you have. The biggest problem you will run into is having enough seating and standing space. An easy solution to this problem is rearrange your furniture and maybe even move some pieces into your bedroom or other storage room. If this is hard or not reasonable use what seating you have available. Find the small spaces where you can set up chairs, and keep people moving so everyone has a chance to sit and stand.
Another way to keep your stress levels down while hosting a gathering or party is get as much of the preparation done before the event starts. This means have all the food cooked, plated, and ready to eat before anyone comes. Get all the decorations you need and set them up with hours to spare. Trying to get your party ready when there are guests already there can be difficult especially when there is a limited amount of space.