Decorating your trailer for Christmas

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It is almost December and Christmas is just around the corner. For many this means dusting off boxes and decorating for the season. Decorating in a smaller space can be a challenge, but smaller decorations will not diminish the holiday cheer in your home. You do not need a 7 foot tree or large decorations to turn your trailer or RV, at a Los Angeles RV Parks, into a cheerful holiday home. Here are some tips to help you achieve the look you want your home to have this holiday season. 


Think smaller

Having a large tree in a small space like a trailer is possible but hard to get in, and it takes up a lot of room. Instead of buying a traditional tree, get something smaller and more manageable. Getting a tree in a pot or even something small enough to fit on a coffee takes up less space. This will still allow you to have a tree and decorate it. Other decorations that can be downsized are garlands or wreaths. Downsizing decoration will leave your trailer feeling more open, instead of feeling cluttered. 


Play with lighting

Lights can bring your trailer holiday cheer while not taking up a lot of room. String lights are relatively small and come in a variety of sizes and colors. There are thin string lights that are minimal and practical, traditional string lights for a nostalgic feel, or other light fixtures such as lamps or chandeliers. Experiment with the amount of light you use to make your space feel open and inviting. 


Walls and doorways

When decorating it can be easy to forget that you have space on your walls or on a doorway. These spaces can be utilized and give you more space to decorate. Hanging up holiday photos, movie quotes, or other posters. Decorating doors is another way to find more space. Ensure you have secured your decorations before using the door normally, test to see if decorations hit the wall or are at risk of damaging other things or itself. 


Decorate other rooms

Christmas decorations are mainly put in main rooms that the family hangs out in. Spread the holiday cheer to other rooms in your home. Use small decorations in your bathroom or buy a festive smelling hand soap. Children love having decorations in their room. Get a small tree, less than a foot tall, and let them decorate it however they want. 








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