How to Declutter your Living Space
When you are living in our RV Park at Imperial Trailer Village in Los Angeles, CA you will want to make sure you are getting the most out of the space you have available to you. The best way to do this is by decluttering your living space of things you just don’t need. We have provided a list of things you might want to think about tossing to give you the space you have been needing in your home.
•Old shoes can cause clutter and unpleasant odor in your closet. If you haven’t worn your old shoes in a while it may be time to throw them out. If your shoes are still in good shape consider donating them.
•Unworn clothing can also take up room in your closet that could easily be used to store the items you use every day. An easy way to tell if you haven’t worn clothing in a while is by starting a 3 or 6 month period with all of your hangers turned backwards. By the end of the set term you still have backwards hangers, take them out of your closet and toss, donate, or store them depending on their condition.
•Wedding invitations, greeting cards, and thank you notes, while sentimental and beautiful are an item that should be considered for tossing out. Unless you have plans for creating a scrap book or a gift for a loved one, they should be placed in the recycling bin.
•Expired bills and coupons should be sorted through and thrown out. Piles of unused paper can easily clutter your office space or kitchen table. Sort through and keep only what is current or needed for taxes. Go digital and scan your important documents if possible.
•Books can often take up a lot of space and collect a lot of dust. For avid readers, collecting books can be your decluttering downfall. Go through our books and see which ones you can donate. It is always best to keep what you are reading or plan to read and get rid of everything else.
•Duplicate kitchen accessories can take up a lot of needed cupboard space in your kitchen. Go through all of your kitchen accessories and keep what you use most often. Consider donating or storing the rest. If it is deemed unusable go ahead and toss it.
When living at Imperial Trailer Village in Los Angeles, CA you will soon grow accustomed to the RV Park style of living. Taking the time to declutter your living space will only help you. For more tips and tricks when it comes to RV living check our website often for updated blogs.